Silent Hippo - The Photography Blog of Martin Sebborn

Category: Australia 2018

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Posted: 07-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018


Last day - headed into Perth and Kings Park - fabulous collection of Australia Flora

The incongruity of Perth - old buildings squashed between skyscrapers. Perth skyline Elizabeth Quay Elizabeth Quay The Bell Tower - apparently it houses the bells of St Martins in the Field

Posted: 06-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Rottnest Island

Cycled round Rottnet Island - saw Quokka and Snakes, plus some impressive coastal scenery...

Sleepy Quokka Lively Quokka! Snake - unknown - but kept our distance

Posted: 05-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

To Fremantle

Drove up to Fremantle - more beaches and wild flowers!

Fremantle Market Historic building!

Posted: 04-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Towards Mandurah

Stooped to see the Thrombolites - they look like rocks but are in fact micro organisms that form together - thought to be how oxygen was originaly produce on the planet

Thrombolites - not rocks!

Posted: 03-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Around Busselton

Explored south of Busselton - Hamelin Bay chasing (invisable as it turned out) Stingrays, and then along the coast.

Millars Farm - wonderful ice cream Hamelin Beach Kookaburra Amazing woods - the trees are huge Yalling Major breakers, and look at the wind kicking up a stream Urban sunset

Posted: 02-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018


Stayed in Busselton near the jetty, but did whal watching in Dunsburh, which was excellent - whales everywhere!

Three humpbacks Humpback tail slapping This is what happens when 2 humpbacks come up right by the boatd and you have a long zoom lens on... Shearwater Fin slapping Shearwater in flight More tail slapping Castle Rock Its a long way off, but a humpback breaching! No rain but suddenly a rainbow appeared Sunset over the jetty The clouds don't look real! Baby seagulls - so even seagulls can look pretty at birth! The end of the jetty - 1.8km long Its a tough life - local scallops!

Posted: 01-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Across the South West

As weather was on the turn, decided to head a bit further north, via Denmark, The Valley of the Giants and Wilson National Park. Ended the day in Nannup.

Denmark Amazing flora The lovely Green Pool in Wilson NP No idea, but there were lots on the beach... The Green Pool The Elephant Rocks - you can see why they got their name Elephant Cove - it decided to chuck it down here.. The over-rated and expensive tree top walk in the Valley of the Giant Strange flora The excellent free, ground walk at the Valley of the Giants - giant Tingle trees Bases hollowed out by fungus and fire The river in Nannup Nannup Sunset

Posted: 30-Sep-2018 | Category: Australia 2018


Cooler but pleasant in Albany.

Albany Coast A Skink Torndirrup National Park The Gap Natural Bridge Amazing wildflowers Amazing wildflowers Amazing wildflowers Former Whaling Sip Leatherjacks - very colourful

Posted: 29-Sep-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Further South

Headed south to Albany - visited The Humps before leaving Wave Rock. Lots of rain on the way down....

The Humps Lake Grace

Posted: 28-Sep-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Wave Rock

Headed for Wave Rock - interesting place.

Garden Art! - Southern Cross Southern Cross Hotel Long straight roads and big sky! Field Art - shoes on a fence and a WC in a field - I have no idea! Wild flowers Around Wave Rock Hippo Yawn Wave Rock Wave Rock Dramatic Sky