Category: Australia 2018
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Posted: 07-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
Last day - headed into Perth and Kings Park - fabulous collection of Australia Flora
Posted: 06-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
Rottnest Island
Cycled round Rottnet Island - saw Quokka and Snakes, plus some impressive coastal scenery...
Posted: 05-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
To Fremantle
Drove up to Fremantle - more beaches and wild flowers!
Posted: 04-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
Towards Mandurah
Stooped to see the Thrombolites - they look like rocks but are in fact micro organisms that form together - thought to be how oxygen was originaly produce on the planet
Posted: 03-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
Around Busselton
Explored south of Busselton - Hamelin Bay chasing (invisable as it turned out) Stingrays, and then along the coast.
Posted: 02-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
Stayed in Busselton near the jetty, but did whal watching in Dunsburh, which was excellent - whales everywhere!
Posted: 01-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018
Across the South West
As weather was on the turn, decided to head a bit further north, via Denmark, The Valley of the Giants and Wilson National Park. Ended the day in Nannup.