Silent Hippo - The Photography Blog of Martin Sebborn

Category: Nature

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Posted: 26-Apr-2021 | Category: Nature

Hardwick Wood - Bluebells

The bluebells are out in force in Hardwick Wood

Posted: 14-Apr-2021 | Category: Nature

Great day out at Tichtwell Bird reserve

Great day out at Titchwell - lots of bird varieties!

Nesting Greylag Goose Greylag Parents and Goslings Greylags in flight Flying Greylag More Greylag Teal Teal Rare Spoonbill Gadwall - male and female Shoveler Brent Geese Redshank Robin! Chaffinch Shells on the beach

Posted: 01-Mar-2021 | Category: Nature

Spring on its way

Very noisy frogs!

Posted: 14-Jan-2021 | Category: Nature

Kite low over the garden

A kite flying low over local gardens

Posted: 19-Nov-2020 | Category: Nature

Paxton Pits

Nice day to visit Paxton Pits

Posted: 01-Nov-2020 | Category: Nature

Thetford Forest

Nice couple of hours fungi hunting....

Posted: 20-Aug-2020 | Category: Nature

Paxton Pits

The wonderful Paxton Pits

Posted: 18-Aug-2020 | Category: Nature

Walk to Hardwick Wood

A pleasant walk to Hardwick Wood, via Toft Wood, in the sunshine

Autumn already? The Walkers

Posted: 18-Mar-2019 | Category: Nature

Titchwell Marsh

Lovely day at Titchwell - some interesting birds and LOTS of frogs!

Frogs everywhere.... Teal - allegedly Redshank Greylag Goose Water Rail - a very shy bird Brent Geese in Flight

Posted: 27-Jul-2016 | Category: Nature

American Owl in the UK!

Apparently this escaped American Long Eared Owl has been resident around the lake for a few years!