Year: 2015
Posted: 29-Dec-2015 | Category: Travel
Had a couple of days in Norfolk testing my new long lens!
Posted: 24-Oct-2015 | Category: Photography
Beach Huts
On the recent trip to Southwold, one of the topics was "A different view on beach huts". Here are some I tried.
Posted: 24-Oct-2015 | Category: Photography
We joined a trip to Southwold with the Cambridge Camera Club - a whole day devoted to photography!
Posted: 12-Oct-2015 | Category: Photography
More Night Shot Experiments
Some more experimental night shots
Posted: 28-Aug-2015 | Category: Toft Photo Group
Toft Photo Group
Four themes for the evening: Orange, Quirky, Reflections, Couples
Posted: 22-Aug-2015 | Category: Aviation
Bournemouth Airshow - Night Flying
Some amazing pyrotechnics on a damp evening
Posted: 18-Jul-2015 | Category: Aviation View full gallery
RIAT 2015
A great day at Fairford this year - varied and interesting aircraft and the weather was kind. And what a treat to see the Vulcan in formation with the Red Arrows. The French Display Team closed the show and made all the other teams, including the Reds, look like beginners!