Silent Hippo - The Photography Blog of Martin Sebborn

Year: 2018

Posted: 26-Dec-2018 | Category: General

Evening at the fair

A few shots from an evening at the fair

The North Pole Skating Rink

Posted: 13-Dec-2018 | Category: Photography

Kew Garden Christmas Lights

An enjoyable evening at Kew Garden Christmas Light Show

Amazing show projected fountain

Posted: 05-Dec-2018 | Category: Photography

Playing with light

Great evening at Cambridge Camera Club tonight playing with varous lighting effects, from using polarised light / filter to capturing patterns in bubbles and on CDs.

Polarised light through polarised filter Polarised light through polarised filter Water drops on CD illuminated by torch Showing water distortions

Posted: 07-Nov-2018 | Category: Photography

Night light

Another splendid evening playing with light trails at CCC.

Air drawing!

Posted: 19-Oct-2018 | Category: Travel


Great day in Bristol exploring around Clifton Bridge and the Docks

Clifton Bridge Clifton Bridge Observatory / Camera Obscura Bristol Docks

Posted: 07-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018


Last day - headed into Perth and Kings Park - fabulous collection of Australia Flora

The incongruity of Perth - old buildings squashed between skyscrapers. Perth skyline Elizabeth Quay Elizabeth Quay The Bell Tower - apparently it houses the bells of St Martins in the Field

Posted: 06-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Rottnest Island

Cycled round Rottnet Island - saw Quokka and Snakes, plus some impressive coastal scenery...

Sleepy Quokka Lively Quokka! Snake - unknown - but kept our distance

Posted: 05-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

To Fremantle

Drove up to Fremantle - more beaches and wild flowers!

Fremantle Market Historic building!

Posted: 04-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Towards Mandurah

Stooped to see the Thrombolites - they look like rocks but are in fact micro organisms that form together - thought to be how oxygen was originaly produce on the planet

Thrombolites - not rocks!

Posted: 03-Oct-2018 | Category: Australia 2018

Around Busselton

Explored south of Busselton - Hamelin Bay chasing (invisable as it turned out) Stingrays, and then along the coast.

Millars Farm - wonderful ice cream Hamelin Beach Kookaburra Amazing woods - the trees are huge Yalling Major breakers, and look at the wind kicking up a stream Urban sunset