Silent Hippo - The Photography Blog of Martin Sebborn

Year: 2021

Posted: 27-Dec-2021 | Category: Photography

Post Christmas Challenge

A damp walk around St Ives, with the topics: Water, Yellow, Parallel & Reflections

Posted: 17-Dec-2021 | Category: General

Shuttleworth Light Show

Shuttleworth Light Show - quite low key but very enjoyable, and not too many people!

What's a Grecian Urn?

Posted: 15-Jul-2021 | Category: Aviation

East Kirkby - Just Jane

Recently visited East Kirkby - Just Jane doing taxi runs.... Quite a site.

Posted: 18-Jun-2021 | Category: Photography

RAF Cosford

We set a challenge - Red, Quirky, TSR-2 and a V-Bomber. I went for the Valliant - the less well known of the three.

Red Quirky TSR-2 V-Bomber - The Valliant

Posted: 14-Jun-2021 | Category: Photography

Photo Challenge - Symmetry

Latest challenge - Symmetry. A bit late!

Posted: 21-May-2021 | Category: Photography

Photo Challenge - Book titles

Challenge was to produce photos that represent book titles - see how many you can get.

Posted: 13-May-2021 | Category: Photography

Photo Challenge - Squares

Late post of last challenge - Squares

Squares at aircraft graveyard - the clue is the lack of engines! Travel Agent for monkeys?

Posted: 26-Apr-2021 | Category: Nature

Hardwick Wood - Bluebells

The bluebells are out in force in Hardwick Wood

Posted: 24-Apr-2021 | Category: Photography

Photo Challenge - Circles

Latest challenge - Circles. All the shots taken around Brancaster Staithe.

Circles in the Sand

Posted: 24-Apr-2021 | Category: Travel


Nice few days in Louth and then called at RAF Coningsby on the way home - not many photos this trip!

It's a hard life... The path into Louth RAF Coningsby Typhoons BBMF Dakota