Silent Hippo - The Photography Blog of Martin Sebborn

Year: 2024

Posted: 06-Oct-2024 | Category: Aviation

York Air Museum

Interesting Museum with a good number of Cold War Jets -plenty to see.

The Amazing Lightning Gannet - look at the size of it compared to the cockpit! Wonderful Victor Buccaneer The odd looking Nimorod Menacing Victor Halifax - Friday the Thirteenth

Posted: 02-Jul-2024 | Category: Places

Visit to St Johns College, Cambridge

We were very lucky to get the chance to visit St Johns College, Cambridge today - and see a bit behind the scenes, as well as go up the tower - the tallest point in the city. Thanks Barney!
Photos taken on my phone, so not the best!

Halfway up the tower Kings College Chapel Bridge of Sighs

Posted: 06-Jun-2024 | Category: General

Lighting the Beacon for D-Day

To commemorate D-Day

Posted: 30-Jan-2024 | Category: Travel

Moonwalker Exhibition

Excellent Moonwalkers show at The Lightroom, London - definitely worth a visit

The audience shows how big the screens are!